Thursday, September 25, 2008

Contrast between and cnn iReport and cnn iReport have obvious differences.

First of all, the stories mentioned on deal with the nation as a whole. While you're able to go to sub-sections of the website and find information about a variety of topics, the homepage deals with breaking news and topics that impact the nation as a whole. There is a bar on the top of the homepage dedicated to "hot topics", which deal mostly with the US Economy and presidential debates, but are sure to include pop culture icons such as Lindsay Lohan as well.

Next we've got iReport. The homepage showcases articles of lesser importance. For example, the new layout for Facebook has made it onto the iReport homepage. Other articles that relate to Yankee Stadium, Gas Prices in one specific part of the country, as well as amusement parks closing down are in the top five or six articles on the page. While I'll be the first to admit that some of these pieces may be interesting, they are of lesser importance than national news.

However, and iReport do share a few similarities. Both talk about politics as well as the recent harsh weather conditions our nation has been dealing with. But while CNN's information is more factual, iReport takes on a more opinionated approach.

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